
Quick Guide for New ATCW Group Members

Related Links Bootlegs here  In 2013, the group began uploading audio files of concerts to the Live Music Archive.  The Chris Whitley Collection now hosts over 50 downloadable bootlegs. Blog posts and other goodies here  The ATCW blog, a companion to the ATCW FB group, provides "articles" on various CW topics, hosts content (e.g., rare … Continue reading Quick Guide for New ATCW Group Members

“Mustard”: Chris Whitley’s Iconic National Guitar

For Chris Whitley fans, his seen-better-days National Triolian is the stuff of legends, an icon that immediately elicits images and sounds from Chris' musical career.  A handful of fans even have personal memories of this icon; alas, I am not one of these lucky few, but I've been blessed by their sharing those stories. For … Continue reading “Mustard”: Chris Whitley’s Iconic National Guitar

A Chart of Chris Whitley’s Tunings

NOTE:  Several additional tunings are discussed after Hiroshi's tunings chart. Jeffrey Pepper Rodgers commented that "[s]ome of the world's coolest music happens when instruments fall into the hands of people who don't know -- or don't care -- what they're supposed to do with them."  Chris Whitley didn't know, nor did he especially care, how … Continue reading A Chart of Chris Whitley’s Tunings

In His Own Words: Chris Whitley on Songwriting

One of the questions someone interviewing a songwriter invariably asks is "How do you come up with ideas for songs?"  Here, in the master's own words, are some of his responses. "Chris Whitley Interviewed:  The Law Man Living with the Lore," Graham Reid, Elsewhere 1991 "I love that rural blues thing, it's like an idea … Continue reading In His Own Words: Chris Whitley on Songwriting

Living with the Law: A brilliant debut, but the kiss of death?

Stories vary regarding how Chris came to meet Daniel Lanois, who was instrumental in getting Chris a recording contract and supported him during the recording process.  Did they meet when Chris was playing a NYC gig at Mondo Cane? One Sunday morning when Chris joined a friend on a photo shoot in a NYC park? … Continue reading Living with the Law: A brilliant debut, but the kiss of death?

On Being Baptized in the Church of Chris Whitley

  This morning, I began looking for a specific comment Chris Whitley had made about how living in Europe, and specifically Dresden, had shaped his personal/musical philosophy. Because I have amassed what must be hundreds of pages of Whitley interviews, reviews, and articles, this search entailed an hours' long descent into all things Chris Whitley, … Continue reading On Being Baptized in the Church of Chris Whitley

Altitude – What a Long, Strange Trip It’s Been

Any Chris Whitley fan worth his/her CW music collection knows that "Altitude" first appeared on Dirt Floor.  I can recall listening to that CD for the first time, rating "Altitude" as one of the best tracks, and thinking "OMG, I'd love to hear this one with a full band!"  Many years later, I got my … Continue reading Altitude – What a Long, Strange Trip It’s Been

The Evolution of Dead Boyfriend/Cowboy

When I first listened to "Dead Cowboy Song" [DCS] on Chris's 2004 album War Crime Blues, I assumed that he had written it in response to the Al Qaeda  attack on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. The lyric about "the towers lick the wrecking ball" surely suggested that.  But, in an interview, … Continue reading The Evolution of Dead Boyfriend/Cowboy

Chris Whitley Gigs: 2003 – 2005

    January 2003 01/25/03 - Whittemore Theatre, Marlboro, VT 01/31/03 - Patchwork Playhouse, Charlotte, NC March 2003 03/15/03 - Aussies, Austin, TX April 2003 04/06/03 - Iron Horse, Northampton, MA 04/07/03 - House Of Blues, Cambridge, MA 04/08/03 - The Met, Rhode Island, Providence 04/09/03 - Village Underground, NYC, NY 04/11/03 - Tin Angel, … Continue reading Chris Whitley Gigs: 2003 – 2005

Chris Whitley Gigs: 2000 – 2002

      2000 January 2000 01/21/00 - The Screening Room, NYC, NY February 2000 02/17/00 - Nachtleben, Frankfurt (GER) 02/19/00 - M hle Hunziken, Rubigen (SWI) 02/20/00 - Winterthur, Albani (SWI) 02/21/00 - Muffathalle, M nchen (GER) 02/22/00 - Bahnhof Langendreer, Bochum (GER) 02/23/00 - Lagerhalle, Osnabr ck (GER) 02/24/00 - Logo, Hamburg (GER) … Continue reading Chris Whitley Gigs: 2000 – 2002

Chris Whitley Gigs: 1997 – 1999

    1997 Bootlegs of the Terra tour Media (including radio shows) March 1997 03/13/97 - "Bassta", Studio Brussel, Brussels (BE) 03/17/97 - David Letterman Show, Rockefeller Center, NYC, NY 03/19/97 - "The River Music Hall" (WXRV), Boston, MA 03/25/97 - KBCO studios, Boulder, CO 03/??/97 - "Nulle Part Ailleurs", Canal+ Studios, Paris (FR) April … Continue reading Chris Whitley Gigs: 1997 – 1999

Chris Whitley Gigs: 1993 – 1996

    1993 January 1993 01/15/93 - Bearsville Theatre, NYC, NY 01/20/93 - ?, ?, MD 01/29/93 - El-N-Gee, New Haven, CT March 1993 03/16/93 - Antone's, Austin, TX 03/20/93 - Antone's, Austin, TX 03/18/93 - Fitzgerald's,  Houston, TX 03/??/93 - ?, Dallas, TX April 1993 04/02/93 - Wetlands, NYC, NY (with Dougie & Alan) … Continue reading Chris Whitley Gigs: 1993 – 1996

Chris Whitley Gigs (197x – 1992)

  In an effort to make Metter Bozze's Tour Guide more widely available and more easily updatable, I'm sharing it here.  In addition, I've provided links to articles, photos, bootlegs, and other media related to each "era" in Chris's musical career and, where available, to individual appearances.  I hope that you'll find this guide and … Continue reading Chris Whitley Gigs (197x – 1992)

WWOZ Radio 90.7 FM New Orleans 1991

I have loved not only Chris's performances ("Home Is Where You Get Across" and "Long Way Around") but also the interplay between 'Christopher' and 'Barbara' the DJ since Danny Kadar first shared these tracks on his SoundCloud channel a decade ago:  the vigorous, in-his-early-prime set by Chris and the smokin', tantalizing, come-hither voice of the … Continue reading WWOZ Radio 90.7 FM New Orleans 1991

About that gospel song at the end of “Dust Radio” ….

The All Things Chris Whitley group on Facebook solved a puzzle that's been bothering many of us for years:  "What's that song heard in the clip from a radio broadcast that ends 'Dust Radio'?"  You know the bit I mean, right?   Jamie Oh gets credit for asking the question, but John Treat gets credit … Continue reading About that gospel song at the end of “Dust Radio” ….